Day in My Life Photo Blog

My friend Lew told me he was taking a photo a day as part of a photography diary. I thought that this was such a great idea that I decided to copy his idea.

Since I track my goals on, I found others doing the same thing. I think Katalya really says it best:
Most days i have my camera with me, i just forget to use it and it only comes out to play when I’m around family and friends. But what about those things you see or do that actually make up who you are and what you do everyday. It might be something really mundane like registering your car or going to the bank. Maybe its something that i see on the way to doing these things. Just little snippets of the way i see the world. I am a bit of clickaholic so once i start clicking i just can’t stop. I’ll start today and see what happens. Even if i tried it just for the next 10 years, i would have 3650 photos that give a pretty clear picture of a decade of me.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

20100807 Day 4

Okay, our cardinal family has been hanging out around the deck slot alot. Surprising really given how much the cats have been out thanks to the wonderful temperatures. Given the damage to this birds head, I'm wondering if it was a cardinal that Harley had brought me last week instead of a finch.

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